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姓 名:郑兴

国 籍:中国

民 族:汉族

籍 贯:四川成都




职 称:教授



邮 箱xingzheng@xaut.edu.cn






定量地证实了大分子亲水性胞外高聚物对膜污染的决定性作用,阐明了在线絮凝低加药量的情况下和慢滤系统控制膜污染基本机理,深度理解冲击负荷对污水厂二级出水大分子有机物的影响变化机理,在国际期刊发表 40 多篇SCI检索论文,其中一区论文30余篇,单篇最高他引121次,并发表1 部专著,已获批1项美国专利和7项中国专利,专利申请21项。2021年起担任SCI一区期刊“process safety and environmental protection”的编辑和中国化工学会环保专业委员会委员,先后担任了国际学术杂志外邀评审(如国际水协主办的水研究Water Research, ElsevierChemical Engineering Jouranl, Journal of Membrane Science, Bioresource Technology, Desalination等)、邀请演讲嘉宾及国际会议(Aachen Membrane)专题分会主席等。


2016至今  伟德BETVLCTOR1946教授

2011 – 2015  格兰富集团 研发部 边昂布 Bjerringbro),丹麦

2010 – 2011 阿卜杜拉国王科技大学(King Abdullah University of Science and Tech) 脱盐与水回用中心 博士后

2005 – 2010  柏林工业大学 水质控制系 博士,科研助理 德国 柏林

2004 – 2005  BETVLCTOR伟德在线登录平台 市政与环境工程系 讲师

1998 – 2001  BETVLCTOR伟德在线登录平台 市政与环境工程系 硕士 助教

1995 – 1998  BETVLCTOR伟德在线登录平台 伟德BETVLCTOR1946分团委书记

1991 – 1995  BETVLCTOR伟德在线登录平台 给排水工程 学士




  1. 二级出水中膜污染水征有机物受突发环境事件影响的变化规律、机理及膜污染效应研究


  2. 污水处理厂智能运行运营关键技术研究(主持),中国石油天然气股份有限公司-中国昆仑工程有限公司,项目执行期2022年至2023年。

  3. 榆横工业区煤化工高盐水分盐制酸碱资源化研究暨榆林煤化工废弃物资源化利用与低碳环保工程技术研究中心组建服务(主持),项目执行期2022年至2023年。

  4. 污水厂两污共治(污水污泥)中碳抓取关键技术(主持),中国电建西北勘测设计研究院,项目执行期2021年至2022年。

  5. MABR脱氮工艺研究(主持),中国航天凯天科技环保有限公司,项目执行期2020年至2022年。

  6. 二级出水亚微米有机颗粒生成机制及其膜污染过程,国家自然科学基金(主持),项目执行期2019年至2022年。

  7. 梯级开发对澜沧江氮迁移转化的影响机制及生态环境累积效应研究,国家自然科学基金重点项目(参与),项目执行期2018年至2022年。

  8. 废水生物处理过程中微生物代谢产物的作用机制与调控原理,国家自然科学基金重点项目子项(主持),项目执行期2018年至2022年。

  9. 附剂强化及静电场活化污水深度处理技术,中石化科研项目(主持),项目执行期2018年至2019年。

  10. 陕西农村生活废水水质特性与MBR处理过程中的膜污染特性与控制研究,蔚蓝环保集团(主持),项目经费70万元,项目执行期2018年至2019年。

  11. 基于饮用水提升的膜技术应用研究,北控水务-北京自来水公司(主持),项目执行期2021年至2022年。

  12. 新型旁流式EBPR工艺生物除磷关键技术,陕西省环保厅重点项目(主持),项目执行期2018年至2020年。

  13. 构建多指标指纹形水生态环境监测体系(浐灞与太湖),江苏省质检局(主持),项目执行期2018年至2019年。

  14. 人类活动干扰下的黄河新型污染物迁移转化规律、生态风险评估及生态修复机理与技术,国家重点实验室(主持) ,项目执行期2018年至2022年。

  15. 污泥减量工艺对二级出水亚微米尺寸有机物及超滤膜污染的影响研究,陕西省国际合作项目(主持),项目执行期2017年至2019年。

  16. 污水深度处理中膜技术应用与分子生物学毒理(主持),BETVLCTOR伟德在线登录平台百人计划启动(主持),项目执行期2016年至2019年。

  17. 污泥减量与磷回收技术研发与推广,义乌英才计划(主持),项目执行期2017年至2019年。

  18. Adaptive membrane pretreatment III(自适应膜的预处理III),格兰富研发课题(主持),项目执行期2015年。

  19. Smart coagulant dose control in UF-RO systems, SMART COATING(智能药剂投加控制超滤-反渗透膜污染),格兰富-Delft联合研发(主持),项目执行期2014年。

  20. Adaptive membrane pretreatment II(自适应膜的预处理II),格兰富研发(主持),项目执行期2014年。

  21. Inline coagulation in UF(超滤系统在线絮凝),格兰富研发(主持),项目执行期2013年。

  22. BlueGrass(超滤亚系统建设,合作方:新加坡Hyflux集团公司),格兰富研发(技术负责,新加坡Hyflux合作项目),

  23. Inline coagulation in UF(超滤系统在线絮凝),格兰富研发(主持),项目执行期20122014年。

  24. UF fouling and characterization(超滤膜特性与污染控制),格兰富研发(技术负责),项目执行期2014年。

  25. Grey water reuse,格兰富研发(主持),项目执行期2012年。

  26. Control of emerging contaminants for a sustainable wastewater reuse: role of effluent organic matter(二级出水有机物在控制新兴污染物中的作用),阿卜杜拉国王科技大学开放课题(参与),项目执行期20112014年。

  27. Sustainable water concept for Olympic 2008 Beijing, Group 4, Wastewater treatment and reuse - Phase 2(北京2008奥运会可持续水利用-第二阶段),中德合作项目-德国科技部(参与),项目执行期20082010年。

  28. Sustainable water concept for Olympic 2008 Beijing, Group 4, Wastewater treatment and reuse - Phase 1(北京2008奥运会可持续水利用-第一阶段),中德合作项目-德国科技部(参与),项目执行期20042006年。

  29. Sustainable water management improves tomorrow’s city’s health (SWITCH)(未来城市可持续水管里),欧盟第六框架项目(参与),项目执行期20062010年。


2018 陕西省环保协会科研一等奖

2018 科学中国人年度人物(2018轻工环保领域)

2017 陕西百人计划创新长期项目

2017 浙江义乌英才计划


















Zheng X, Major organic foulants in UF of treated domestic wastewater and their removal by bio-filtration as pre-treatment.
ISBN: 978-3-89720-557-4,
Shaker Verlag, Aachen, German


1.Yuanxin Zhai, Dan Bai, Yifan Wang, Yaozhong Zhang, Yongchao Qi, Xiaopeng Qiu, Yi-fan Wang, Yixuan Wang, Xing Zheng*, Effect of Na+ on Organic Fouling Depends on Na+ Concentration and the Property of the Foulants, Desalination, 531, 115709, 2022

2.Heyun Yang, Xing Zheng*, Xiaoliang Li, Hegang Zhi, Gang Tang, Yanchun Ke, Bao Liu, Hao Ma, Comparing the toxicity of iodinated X-ray contrast medias on eukaryotes and prokaryotes based quantified microarray assays, Frontier in Environmental Science, accepted, 2022

3.BaoLiu, XingZheng*, Yanchun Ke, Xin Cao, Qian Sun, Hua Wu, Automated headspace solid-phase microextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry of trihalomethane and typical nitrogenous disinfection by-products in water, Journal of Chromatography A, 1673, 463068, 2022

4.Tong Liu, Xing Zheng*, Gang Tang, Xinyu Yang, Hegang Zhi, Xiaopeng Qiu, Xiaoliang Li, Zi Wang, Effects of temperature shocks on the formation and characteristics of soluble microbial products in an aerobic activated sludge system, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 158, 231-241,2022

5.NingYang, Shucheng Yang, Xing Zheng, Inhibition of Maillard reaction during alkaline thermal hydrolysis of sludge, Science of The Total Environment, 814, 152497, 2022

6.Gang Tang, Xiaolin Li, Zi Wang, Kai Wang, BinruiLi, Chongxuan Liu, Xing Zheng*, Dynamic relationship between dissolved organic matter and soluble microbial products during wastewater treatment, Journal of Cleaner Production, 317, 128448, 2021

7.Heyun Yang, Xing Zheng*, Dou Zhang, Gang Tang, Xiaoliang Li, Hua Wu, Wei Yan, Hegang Zhi, Comparison of the effect of PANI/TiO2, Dow resins and activated carbon in removing model dissolved organic matter (DOM) and phosphorus, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 43, 102302, 2021

8.Gang Tang, Binrui Li, Bowei Zhang, Chen Wang, Guangci Zeng, XingZheng, Chongxuan Liu, Dynamics of dissolved organic matter and dissolved organic nitrogen during anaerobic/anoxic/oxic treatment processes, Bioresource Technology, 331,125026, 2021

9.XiaofangYang, Danyi Li, Zhong Yu, Yabing Meng, XingZheng, Shanshan Zhao, Fangang Meng, Biochemical characteristics and membrane fouling behaviors of soluble microbial products during the lifecycle of Escherichia coli, Water Research

192, 116835, 2021

10.Xing Zheng*, Muhammad Tariq Khan, XinCao, Jean-Philippe Croue, Importance of origin and characteristics of biopolymers in reversible and irreversible fouling of ultrafiltration membranes, Science of The Total Environment, 784, 147157, 2021

11.Yaozhong Zhang, Tao Wang, Junjie Men, JiangLei, XingZheng, Yifan Wang, Jie Zhang, XinCao, Xiaoliang Li, Xiaopeng Qiu, JinkaiXue, A novel conductive composite membrane with polypyrrole (PPy) and stainless-steel mesh: Fabrication, performance, and anti-fouling mechanism, Journal of Membrane Science, 621, 118937, 2021

12.Yifan Wang, Xing Zheng*, Zi Wang, Zhaoling Shi, Zan Kong, Min Zhong, Jinkai Xue, Yaozhong Zhang, Effects of –COOH and –NH2 on adsorptive polysaccharide fouling under varying pH conditions: Contributing factors and underlying mechanisms, Journal of Membrane Science, 621, 118933, 2021

13.Yifang Wang, Xing Zheng*, Zi Wang, Yaozhong Zhang, Jinkai Xue, Effects of –COOH and –NH2 on adsorptive polysaccharide fouling under varying pH conditions: Contributing factors and underlying mechanisms, Journal of membrane Science, 621,1189332020

14.Yaozhong Zhang, Tao Wang, Junjie Meng, Xing Zheng*, Jinkai Xue, A novel conductive composite membrane with polypyrrole (PPy) and stainless-steel mesh: Fabrication, performance, and anti-fouling mechanism, Journal of membrane Science, 621,1189372020

15.Tong Liu, Zi Wang, Linjie Wu, Menghan Guo, Chanyu Yang et al., Xing Zheng*, Acute impact of Hg2+, Cu2+, and Ag+ on the formation of biopolymers and nitrogenous soluble microbiological products in activated sludge for wastewater treatment, Environmental Pollution, 267,1153882020

16.Xiaoliang Li, Linjie Wu, Sijia Lu, Heyun Yang, Xing Zheng*, Treatment of cooling tower blowdown water by using adsorption-electrocatalytic oxidation: Technical performance, toxicity assessment and economic evaluation, Separation and Purification Technology, 252, 1174842020

17.Geng Y.K, Li Yuan, Tong Liu, Z.H. Li, Xing Zheng, Guoping Sheng, Thermal/alkaline pretreatment of waste activated sludge combined with a microbial fuel cell operated at alkaline pH for efficient energy recovery,Applied Energy, 275, 1152912020

18.GangTang, XingZheng*, XiaolinLi, TongLiu, YanWang, YinliangMa, YetongJi, Xiaopeng Qiu, Yi Wan, Baozhu Pan, Variation of effluent organic matter (EfOM) during anaerobic/anoxic/oxic (A2O) wastewater treatment processes, Water Research, 178, 115830, 2020

19.Xing Zheng*,Tong Liu, Menghan Guo, Dong Li, Na Gou, Xin Cao, Xiaopeng Qiu, Xiaoliang Li, Yaozhong Zhang, Guoping Sheng, Baozhu Pan, April Z. Gu, Zhanbin Li, Impact of Heavy Metals on the Formation and Properties of Solvable Microbiological Products Released from Activated Sludge in Biological Wastewater Treatment, Water Research, 179, 115895,2020

20.Yaozhong Zhang, Yifan Wang, Xin Cao, Jinkai Xue, Qian Zhang, Xiaopeng Qiu, Jiayu Tian, Xiaoliang Li, Baozhu Pan, Xing Zheng*Effect of carboxyl and hydroxyl groups on adsorptive polysaccharide fouling: A comparative study based on PVDF and graphene oxide (GO) modified PVDF surfaces, Journal of membrane science, 595,117514,2020

21.Xiaoliang Li, Gang Tang, Dou Zhang, Linjie Wu, Sijia Lu, Yaozhong Zhang, Xin Cao, Wen Cheng, Jiangtao Feng, Wei Yan, Baozhu Pan, Li Li, Zhanbin Li, Xing Zheng* ,Fouling control in ultrafiltration of secondary effluent using polyaniline/TiO2 adsorption and subsequent treatment of desorption eluate using electrochemical oxidation, Chemical Engineering Journal, 382, 122915,2020

22.Wang D.Q., Tang G., Yang Z.J., Li X.X., Chai G.D., Liu T., Cao X., Pan B.Z., Li J.K., Sheng G.P., Zheng X.*, Ren Z.J., Long-term impact of heavy metals on the performance of biological wastewater treatment processes during shock-adaptation-restoration phases, Journal of Hazardous Material, 3735,152-159,2019

23.Xiaofang YangXing ZhengLinjie WuXin CaoYi LiJunfeng NiuFangang Meng , Interactions between algal (AOM) and natural organic matter (NOM): Impacts on their photodegradation in surface waters, Environmental Pollution, 242, Part B, 1185-1197, 2018

24.Zhong Yu, Zhongbo Zhou, Guocheng Huang, Xing Zheng, Linjie Wu, Shanshan Zhao, and Fangang Meng, Two-Dimensional FTIR Spectroscopic Characterization of Functional Groups of NaOCl-Exposed Alginate: Insights into Membrane Refouling after Online Chemical Cleaning, ACS Applied Bio Materials, 2018

25.Zheng X., Zietzschmann F., Plume S., Paar H., Ernst M., Wang Z., Jekel M., Understanding and Control of Biopolymer Fouling in Ultrafiltration of Different Water Types, Water, 9(4), 298,2017

26.Martin Schulz, Alexander Soltani, Xing Zheng, Mathias Ernst, Effect of inorganic colloidal water constituents on combined low-pressure membrane fouling with natural organic matter (NOM), Journal of Membrane Science, 507, 154-164, 2016

27.Victor Augusto Yangali-Quintanilla, Allan Hjarbæk Holm, Marc Birkner, Sèbastien D´Antonio, Helena Wulff Coco Stoltze, Mathias Ulbricht, Xing Zheng*, A fast and reliable approach to benchmark low pressure hollow fibre filtration membranes for water purification, Journal of Membrane Science, 499, 515-525,2016

28.Poorasgari, E.; Larsen, P.; Zheng, X.; Nielsen, P.H.; Keiding, K.; Lykkegaard, C.M., Irreversible fouling of membrane bioreactors due to formation of a non-biofilm gel layer, Water Science and Technology, Vol. 69, No. 8, p. 1641-1647, 2014

29.Zheng, X., Khan, T., Croue, J., Contribution of Effluent Organic Matter (EfOM) to Ultrafiltration (UF) Membrane Fouling: Isolation, Characterization, and Fouling Effect of EfOM fractions, Water ResearchVol. 65, 414-424, 2014

30.Hadj-Romdhane F, Zheng X, Jaouen P, Pruvost J, Grizeau D, Croué JP, Bourseau P., The culture of Chlorella vulgaris in a recycled supernatant: effects on biomass production and medium quality,Vol.132, 285-292, Bioresour Technol. 2013

31.Zietzschmann, F., Ernst, M., Godehardt, M., Paar, H., Zheng, X., Jekel, M.,Linking UF reversible and irreversible fouling to the water quality of surface water and treated municipal wastewater, Vol.33, 1-11, Water reuse and desalination , 2013

32.Zheng, X., Croué, J., Contribution of different effluent organic matter fractions to membrane fouling in ultrafiltration of treated domestic wastewater, Vol.2 No.4, 204-209, Water reuse and desalination, 2012

33.Janota, N., Reillera,P., Zheng, X., Crouéc, J., Benedetti, M., Characterization of humic acid reactivity modifications due to adsorption onto α-Al2O3, Water research, 46 (3) 731 – 740, 2012

34.Zheng, X., Plume, S., Ernst, M., Croué, J., Jekel, M., In-line coagulation prior to UF of treated domestic wastewater – foulants removal, fouling control and phosphorus removal, Journal of membrane science, 403-404, 129 – 139, 2012

35.Zheng, X., Ernst, M., Jekel, M., Stabilizing the Performance of Ultrafiltration in Filtering Tertiary Effluent –Technical Choices and Economic Comparison, Journal of Membrane Science, 366 (1-2) 82 – 91,2011

36.Meng, F., Zhou, Z, Ni, B.J., Zheng, X., Huang, G.Z., Jia, X. S., Li, S. Y., Xiong, Y., Sized –based characterization of soluble microbial products (SMP): Tracking their role and fate in a membrane bioreactor (MBR), 45 (15) 4661 – 4671, Water Research, 2011

37.Huang G, Meng F, Zheng X, Wang Y, Wang Z, Liu H, Jekel M. Biodegradation behavior of natural organic matter (NOM) in a biological aerated filter (BAF) as a pretreatment for ultrafiltration (UF) of river water, Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 90(5) 1795-803, 2011

38.Zheng, X., Ernst, M., Huck, P.M., Jekel, M., Biopolymer Fouling in Dead-end Ultrafiltration of Treated Domestic Wastewater, Water Research, 44 (18), 5212-5221, 2010

39.Zheng, X., Ernst, M., Jekel, M., Pilot-scale investigation on the removal of organic foulants in secondary effluent by slow sand filtration prior to ultrafiltration, Water Research, 44 (10) 3203-3213, 2010

40.Zheng, X., Ernst M., Jekel, M., Identification and Quantification of Major Organic Foulants in Treated Domestic Wastewater Affecting Filterability in Dead-end Ultrafiltration, Water Research, 43 (1) 238-244, 2009

41.Zheng, X., Mehrez, R., Jekel, M., Ernst, M., Effect of slow sand filtration of treated wastewater as pre-treatment to UF, Desalination, 249 (2) 591-595, 2009

42.Sperlich, A., Zheng, X., Ernst, M., Jekel, M., An integrated wastewater reuse concept combining natural reclamation techniques, membrane filtration and metal oxide adsorption, Water Science and Technology, 57 (6) 909-914, 2008

43.Ernst, M., Sperlich, A., Zheng, X., Gan, Y., Hu, J., Zhao, X., Wang, J., Jekel, M., An integrated wastewater treatment and reuse concept for the Olympic Park 2008, Beijing, Desalination, 202 (1-3) 293-301, 2007



2.Yifan Wang, Yaozhong Zhang, Xing Zheng, Fouling caused by carboxyl or hydroxyl containing polysaccharides on PVDF and GO-PVDF membranes, Accepted for oral presentation in 10th IWA Specialised Membrane Technology Conference and Exhibition for Water and Wastewater Treatment and Reuse, France, 23-25. June, 2019


3.Gang Tang, Xing Zheng, Origin Of NOM In Effluent Organic Matter (EfOM) Under Anaerobic/ Anoxic/ Oxic Condition, Accepted for oral presentation at NOM7 IWA Specialist Conference on Natural Organic Matter, Japan Tokyo, 7-9 Oct. 2019






6.Zheng, X.*, Cheng, W., Zhang Y., Li, X.L. , Wan, T., Zhang, D., Yan, W.,Recovery of Phosphorus,carbon & sodium hydroxide using adsorbent and ionic membrane during Tertiary Treatment of Treated Wastewater, IWA Nutrient Removal and Recovery Conference, 18 - 21 November, 2018,Brisbane, Australia


7. 张耀中,王毅凡,郑兴*。PVDF及GO改性膜表面多糖吸附性膜污染研究。西北水环境青年学者论坛(第一届),BETVLCTOR伟德在线登录平台,2018.6.23


8.Tong Liu, Dongqi Wang, Zhangjie Yang, Chanyu Yang, Menghan Guo, Yijiang Li, Xin Cao, Wen Cheng, Xing Zheng*, Solvable Microbiological Products under Shock Loading Caused by Heavy Metals and their Fouling Effect in Ultrafiltration (UF), 9th IWA Specialised Membrane Technology Conference and Exhibition for Water and Wastewater Treatment and Reuse, Singapore, 05-08. September, 2017


9.Zheng, X, Zietzschmann Frederik, Plume Stephan, Paar Hendrik, Ernst Mathias, Jekel Martin, The Content of Nitrogenous Biopolymer in Feed Water is not a Generic Fouling Indicator in Ultrafiltration of Different Water Types. IWA regional group in membrane technology, 25-26 Aug. Kunming, China, 2016


10. Zheng, X., Comparing biopolymer fouling in UF of secondary effluent and surface water, Young membraners in desalination and wastewater reuse, 22. Nov. Nanjing, China, 2015


11. Poorasgari, E.; Larsen, P.; Zheng, X.; Nielsen, P.H.; Keiding, K.; Lykkegaard, C.M., Irreversible fouling of membrane bioreactors due to formation of a non-biofilm gel layer, 7th IWA Specialised Membrane Technology Conference and Exhibition for Water and Wastewater Treatment and Reuse, Toronto, Canada, 26-29 August 2013


12. Zheng, X., Croue, JP, Contribution of Effluent Organic Matter (EfOM) to UF Membrane Fouling, (oral presentation), 4th Oxford Water and Membranes Research Event, the University of Oxford, Great Britain, September, 2012


13. Zheng, X., Contribution of Effluent Organic Matter (EfOM) to UF Membrane Fouling, (oral presentation), 8th International Conference on Water Reclamation & Reuse. Barcelona, 26 October, 2011


14. Zheng, X., Biopolymer Fouling and its Control in Ultrafiltration (UF) of Secondary Effluent and Surface Water, (Poster), 6th IWA Specialist Conference on Membrane Technology for Water & Wastewater Treatment. 4 - 7 October, 2011


15. Hadj-Romdhane F., Bourseau P., Jaouen P., Pruvost J., Grizeau D., Croué J.P., Zheng X., Recycling Chlorella vulgaris growth medium: effects on biomass production and medium quality, 4th Congress of the International Society for Applied Phycology – Halifax – 19 to 24 June, 2011


16. Zheng, X., Fouling in Ultrafiltration of Secondary Effluent and Surface Water: Comparison of Major Foulants and their Control by In-line Coagulation, (oral presentation), 3rd Oxford Water and Membranes Research Event, the University of Oxford, Great Britain, 12-15 September, 2010


17. Zheng, X., Control of organic fouling in UF of secondary effluent by bio-filtration, (poster), 4th SWITCH Scientific Meeting, Delft, the Netherlands, 4 – 7 October, 2009


18. Zheng, X., Lab and pilot scale investigation on biopolymer fouling in UF of treated domestic wastewater, (oral presentation) IWA Membrane Technology Conference and Exhibition 2009, Beijing, 1 – 3 September,2009


19.Zheng, X., Identification of major organic foulants to UF in treated domestic wastewater and its removal through slow sand filtration, (oral presentation) Summer school, Maurach, Germany, 29 September – 1 October, 2008


19. Zheng, X., Effects of Operational Conditions on the Performance of UF Pilot Plant in filtering tertiary effluent, (oral presentation) IWA Water Conference, Vienna, 8-13 September, 2008


21.Zheng, X., Slow Sand Filtration of Treated Domestic Wastewater as Pre-treatment to Ultrafiltration, (oral presentation) IWA Specialist Group Particle Separation, Delft, Holland, 6 – 11 July 2008


22.Zheng, X., Quantification of Biopolymers in Treated Domestic Wastewater as Major Organic Foulants Affecting Fouling Resistance in Dead-end Ultrafiltration, (oral presentation) WASSER 2008 Jahrestagung der Wasserchemischen Gesellschaft, Trier, Germany, April 2008


23.Zheng, X., Biofiltration for fouling control of UF in secondary effluents, (oral presentation) work shop Fouling in Water Systems, Haifa, Israel, 06 – 07 April 2008


24.Zheng, X., Slow Sand Filtration of Treated Domestic Wastewater as a Pre-treatment to Ultrafiltration: Effects of Operational Conditions on the Performance of UF Pilot Plant, (oral presentation) 2nd SWITCH Scientific Meeting, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 2007


25.Zheng, X., Bio-filtration of treated domestic wastewater as a pre-treatment to ultrafiltration: effects on protein and polysaccharide related fouling, (poster presentation) 4th international membranes conference, Harrogate, UK, 2007


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